The City of Greeley Ordinance in reference to the use and possession of fireworks was modified on June 7, 2022 and will go into effect on June 15, 2022. The change to the municipal code makes a violation of this ordinance a misdemeanor offense, with a fine of $1000, plus any additional penalties assessed, which could include imprisonment. The Ordinance also adds an additional violation for when someone knowingly provides private property for the possession and use of illegal fireworks and the penalty is the same as listed above. To read the full municipal ordinance click on the link to the right.
Fireworks Information
With Colorado’s often dry, hot and windy summer weather, wildfires are a concern for municipalities and counties across the state. Illegal possession, storage and use of prohibited fireworks cause thousands of injuries every year, create quality of life issues for your neighbors, frighten domestic animals as well as livestock, and could result in a hefty fine and legal consequences.
The volume of illegal fireworks activity in recent years has been significant. The Greeley Police Department receives illegal fireworks complaints from residents across the city. Illegal fireworks produce noise complaints, risk of personal injury and property damage, as well as quality of life issues for those in the area.
Some alarming facts and figures related to fireworks safety are:
- From June 15 to July 15 (2019 – 2021) the Greeley Police Department responded to 1,543 fireworks complaints throughout the city.
- During that time, the GPD wrote dozens of citations for unlawful use, possession and/or sale of illegal fireworks.
- 73% (1,124) of the complaints were between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.
- Fireworks cause an estimated 19,500 fires in the U.S. each year, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
- Approximately 28% of the fires started by fireworks each year are reported on July 4th.
- Hospital emergency rooms saw an estimated 15,600 people for fireworks-related injuries in 2020 and 18 people died according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
- Burns accounted for 44% of the fireworks injuries seen around the 4th of July holiday.
- Males account for 71% of the injuries and the 25-44 age range is most often injured.
- 18% of the victims of fireworks injuries were under the age of 15.
While this increase in possible punishments and fines may seem excessive, it places the City of Greely in-line with the punishments and fines of several other similar sized municipalities in the region who are facing the same issue.
“As a 29-year resident of Greeley, I am not immune to the quality-of-life issues directly caused from the illegal possession and use of fireworks in our community during the holiday season. My officers and I are committed to honoring the citizen’s, and the council’s, wishes with the recently updated fireworks ordinances. We will be adopting a strict enforcement strategy regarding the new changes for the 2022 holiday. We hope that our citizens can work with us to have a fun, and safe, Fourth of July” said Interim Police Chief Adam Turk.
How to Report Illegal Fireworks
If you need to report an active fire, fireworks-related injury or other emergency, please call 911 immediately. You may also call the non-emergency dispatch line at 970-350-9600 to report fireworks complaints.
Another option to report hearing or seeing fireworks, please submit an online Crime Tip. This will document the date and time of the report and be forwarded to officers tasked with firework response and enforcement.
This allows us to utilize this data to effectively address problem areas in the city as they arise during the holiday season. Please understand that based on the existing call volume, staffing levels and the time-of-day, our officers may have an extended response time to the area of your complaint.