Neighborhood Watch
What is it?
A neighborhood watch is an organized group of citizens devoted to crime and vandalism prevention within a neighborhood. A neighborhood watch is organized as its own group or may simply be a function of a neighborhood association. Neighborhood watches are not vigilante organizations. When suspecting criminal activities, members are encouraged not to intervene but to contact the Greeley Police Department.
How does it work?
Block Captains get to know their neighbors, and help organize them into an effective group to observe and report crime.
What are the benefits?
One of the program benefits is having a point of contact with the Greeley Police Department. The program also encourages neighbors getting to know neighbors, working together to build a safer neighborhood. Participating neighborhoods also receive highly visible signs for their neighborhoods to help deter crime. The ultimate goal is a safer, more attractive neighborhood.
How do I get started?
All you have to do is fill out the application to the right. Once it is processed you will be contacted by a Greeley Police Officer. We will work with you to set up the initial Neighborhood Watch meeting, and get others in your neighborhood involved.
In 2005 The City of Greeley created a task force of City employees to implement a new approach to deliver services and support to neighborhoods. This program is called Neighborhood Building Blocks or NB2. This program was endorsed by the City Council as a goal of supporting the safety, function, well–being and vitality of Greeley neighborhoods. Since then the task force has evolved into a tactical unit to coordinate assessments and response to neighborhood issues and service needs. This tactical unit is comprised of a cross department team of more than 30 City staff member For more info call 970-350-9622.